Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

January 1, 2014-

Since this is the first day of the new year and I'm starting with a brand new slate- I thought I would start this blog off with a self portrait. The photo was taken after a nice easy 10k trail run at a new set of trails. It happen to be taken with my Iphone....yes, a "selfie"....but being that this year will be about making changes in my life....I thought my "selfie" would be appropriate documentation for weeks or months down the road to show myself where I have take my life and all.

Right now, my New Year resolutions include entering a few juried photo shows and contests. Getting out more and exploring more of the world around me and what life has to offer- what have I been missing out on, what can I do to add more to my life, etc.

With that all being said- here is my "selfie"....did you do your selfie today?....Feel free to share them with the world and hold yourself accountable with them for meeting that goal in your future!

Selfie- after my 10k trail run...just the beginning of my 70k Ultramarathon training!